The formation of the Mine Electrical Safety Association (MESA) was the first of its kind in Queensland, being established well before the industry focus on safety.
For over 35 years the MESA (or MESC (Mine Electrical Safety Committee) as it was originally known) has been an integral conduit between the working face of the industry – suppliers and government legislation departments in identifying electrical safety problems and by consultation, provide information with a view to improving safety and productivity.
From humble beginnings at the first conference, which was held at Blackwater mine in central Queensland with just a handful of delegates, this event is now seen as the premier electrical mining safety conference in Queensland.
The MESA major focus is the annual conference which brings together government departments, consultants, suppliers and key industry decision makers within the electrical field to hear technical presentations on all matters relating to electrical safety within the mining industry. During the conference a closed trade exhibition is also conducted for the benefit of the delegates.
The showcase achievement of the association is the continued development of the annual conference and trade exhibition, but other issues outside of the conference have been addressed, including safety of handheld meters for electrical testing, welding safety and maintaining the statutory electrical position within legislation, not to mention publicising electrical incidents with recommendations for improvements.
MESA values safety greatly and is continuously looking to improve workplaces for those involved in the mining industry.
We aim to identify electrical safety problems within the industry, and by consultation provide information with a view to improving safety and productivity.
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